Learning Events and Learning Record Stores: A Practical Introduction
Jeff Longland
April 6, 2023
Much has been written about how data and analytics can unearth new questions and innovative
solutions. Data-driven decision models are heralded as part of digital transformation initiatives.
Clickstream data can be mined for valuable insights! But what does it *actually* mean for teaching
and learning?
This session won’t discuss the hype surrounding data and analytics initiatives. It
won’t be academic or research-driven. What it will provide is a practical introduction to learning
event standards (eg. xAPI, Caliper), learning record stores, and the work underway at UBC to build
data infrastructure for learning data. We’ll cover:
Who needs learning events? Who is a learning event about?
What is a learning event?
When does a learning event occur?
Where do learning events occur and where do they go?
It’s a whirlwind journey through the challenges and opportunities where the learning analytics
rubber meets the road. We’ll cover how a learning tool is instrumented to emit events and its
journey to a storage location where it can be used to support evidence-informed teaching and